Dawn Moore-Wilson

Dawn Moore-Wilson Photo
License No. 01361735 (CA)
Office: 650.323.1900
Are you ready for a refreshing approach to selling or purchasing a property? This is not just business as usual. My real estate services are specifically tailored to your needs, and the very best part of my job is making dreams come true for my clients.

For over a decade, I have been honored to have Bay Area buyers and sellers trust me with such important investments in their lives. As you probably know, the real estate climate has made some radical moves during that time. Not only have I kept pace, but stay ahead of the curve by continuously taking classes to expand my knowledge and negotiation skills. I am ready to handle whatever comes next in this market.

Prior to joining the Sereno, I helped grow a luxury real estate firm in the San Francisco Bay Area from a tiny startup to the sixth-largest residential real estate firm in the United States. I am now enjoying that same entrepreneurial spirit working with the Sereno.

Thanks to the confidence of my past clients, almost all my business comes from referrals. I am proud to hear clients say they consider me to be like family.

When I'm not putting together a real estate deal, I am enjoying the beautiful outdoors of the Bay Area with my children, volunteering and helping raise funds for a myriad of groups.