Terry Brezsny

Terry Brezsny Photo
Brezsny Associates
License No. 01257150 (CA)
Office: 831.460.1100

Terry Ballantyne  Brezsny

Terry Brezsny has been a licensed Broker for over 25 years. Prior to becoming a real estate agent, she had a great time as a flower shop owner with a celebrity clientele in Santa Monica, and in Santa Cruz she founded a food service company serving hundreds of local businesses.  She holds a brokers license and is a certified meditation teacher with the Chopra Center. It's helps with the stresses of real estate!

As a hyperlocal real estate broker, she previously served as Lead Mentor and New Agent Trainer for Bailey Properties and as Sales Manager and Head Recruiter for David Lyng Associates. She is a founding member of the Sereno Group's Coastal Office in 2009, and was instrumental in bringing Sereno's 1% for Good Charitable Foundation's giving effort to life and it has been recognized as one of the top philanthropy programs in Santa Cruz and Silicon Valley donating over $5 million dollars to local charities.

Terry is a leading producer, professional staging whiz and a principal in Brezsny Associates Real Estate Team recognized at a top 1% of teams in the nation according to Real Trends.  She also writes a blog on the challenges of aging at navigatingolderhood.com

In her limited free time she enjoys gardening, watercoloring and playing in her greenhouse! But her favorite pastime is spending time with her granddaughters!