Lon and Mary Allan

Lon and Mary Allan Photo
License No. 01023484 (CA)
Mobile: 408.354.1066 Office: 408.335.1400

Mary Allan has been a residential Realtor since 1989. In 2003, her husband, Lon, retired from corporate law practice (www.lonallan.com) and joined her in real estate. Both Mary and Lon have been active in local community organizations, serving as directors on more than two dozen non-profit boards, including Villa Montalvo, the Harker School, San Jose Chamber Orchestra and the Triton Museum of Art. Both have also participated in local politics: Mary chaired Realtors for Tom Campbell and Lon is a former Mayor of Monte Sereno.

Having more than 50 years of combined real estate experience, Mary and Lon Allan are agents who will well represent you in either selling or buying residential real estate.